Fees & charges … how much?
The short answer here is, "Let's talk, we can make this work!"
The guidelines below provide a guide as to what’s needed to keep ministry on the road. But your ministry has to be sustainable too. We are in this together. Your partnership and help at what ever level is appreciated!

Presentations &/or training
$80* for a single presentation (0.5 – 1hr approx) e.g. a message for a worship service/Kid’s Church or a single training workshop.
$132* per single morning, afternoon or evening (2.5hrs approx) e.g. 2 x 1hr workshops, an extended workshop &/or involvement in the part or all of the presentation.
$193* per half day (4hrs approx) where attendance and participation is required across the half day. E.g. 9am – 1pm training or say a 10am worship, lunch and afternoon workshop.
$264* per whole day (7hrs approx) where attendance and participation is required across the whole day.
$395* per weekend (1.5 – 2 days approx) where attendance and participation is required across all or most of a weekend.
Plus … my associated travel and accommodation costs.*
Plus … the provision and opportunity to display and market my resources as appropriate.
Even if you are unable to afford these these rates please call me and we’ll work something out.

$50 per hour …
Most consultancies will begin with the first conversation (up to an hour) being free if it is a chat over the phone or if you are paying for lunch and/or espresso coffee.
$264* per whole day (7hrs approx) if this is more appropriate.
If you require me to travel to you this will be an additional charge at the standard rate*. Accomodation, if needed, will also be an additional cost. Call me even though you may not be able to afford these rates. Let’s work something out .*

- *These rates are in line with a standard ministry stipend. This provides a starting point for being able to work towards a result that will be well worthwhile for both of us.
- *Travel is calculated from Ballarat using Google Maps directions and charged at $0.66/km (this is the minimum rate using ATO guidelines) Usually I will try to work in my visit to you with other visits close by and help share the costs of travel however this may not always be possible.
- *If overnight accommodation is required, this will also be an additional charge although I am more than happy to be billeted.
- *You can be invoiced for this after the event if that is helpful. The process in this case will be to let me know an amount to invoice you and along will come an invoice.
- *I do value the opportunity of ministry and mission with you. I believe can I offer and deliver great value to your context. But ministry opportunities also include my more localised ministry and the further development of my website and resources. Time spent away from these need to be charged at a realistic rate.

Hosting a training event
If you would like Midst to come to your venue and cater for the exact training needs of your group alone you will need to consider paying the fees at the set rates outlined above.
If Midst can cater for your group’s exact training needs and you are then able to open up the event up to others, this may work to our mutual advantage. For this to happen we will need to:
- settle the topics and content to ensure your needs will be met
- determine if hosting a larger event is possible/desirable
- determine if the topics chosen also serves other churches, schools workers, parents or the like
- come to a financial arrangement, possibly deferring some of the costs as you are the host of the event; agreeing to a budgeted amount to cover catering
Different combinations have also worked in the past with different groups. You could negotiate a set training for your group regardless of numbers and others from outside your group could join in for a set fee. That’s all OK too. I’m confident there is a win-win for everyone.
In any event, please do not let the money thing stand in the way of negotiating the best arrangement for you.