Presentations with a difference
Invite Phil Day along to your gathering.
With over 40 years of experience of being up front in a variety of contexts, there’s something here for everyone!

What ever the context!
Praying and working together so the Truth, Love and Power of God shines through!
Appropriately engaging in the Word of God … anywhere …
- from a classroom to a beach;
- from an assembly to a picnic in the park
- from a church to a chapel;
- from Bible storytelling segment to a visual, multi-age sermon;
- from a clowning or visual arts platform to a whole family camp of activities;
- from a puppet theatre to a conference

Styles of presentations
Years of experience means being able to adapt any theme or message to your needs
This includes:
- Intergenerational, visual, parricipative sermons
- A presentation in or the leading of a worship service segment
- Engaging, intergenerational church services
- Challenging children’s talks
- Creative kid’s church/Sunday school presentations
- Special occasions presenter
- ‘Artist in Residence’ activities
- A kid’s camp presenter, study leader or organiser
- A family camp presenter where the emphasis is on learning and celebrating worship together. In a camp context, sometimes children will be with their own age group while adults are in their study/seminar groups and sometimes everyone is in multi-age groups based on interest. Common to all is a unified theme which results in a time of multi-aged celebration of worship.
- Christmas carols in the park visual artist/speaker
- Holiday program leader/presenter
- … and more

Help for you
Presentations, training & consultancies
Working with you to help get the direction right for your context …
- ‘Presentations’ for a variety of contexts helps to not only communicate a message but to also demonstrate many of the principles of ministry with children and families.
- ‘Consultancy’ helps you to see if a review is needed. This will identify and affirm that which is effective and helpful as well as show up areas that need adjustment or change.
- ‘Training’ helps leadership, workers &/or parents to gain the fresh insights or motivation to implement more effective faith-forming approaches.