Share a highlight SA04

What do you see? SA02

God’s story; Our story; Your story/my story.
Their are various ways of understanding the interplay of these three stories. Learning to engage and connect with each of these through storytelling and story listening helps us to respond and participate in each story. No matter where you start, growing a just-right relationship, a sense of belonging, or some appreciation or identification with each of these stories is the beginning of a journey to the centre of all three.
God’s story … best expressed in creation; the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ; the Hebrew Bible as it points to Christ; the New Testament along with God’s Church being Christ ‘with skin on’ in the world and individual lives today. Wow! God’s Big STORY!
Our story … Our families and friendship groups, tribes and villages, communities and cities, nations and alliances … all with their leadership styles, values, traditions, culture, policies, and STORY!
Your story, my story … individual stories. All different. A perceived truth for each of us as individuals. Origins, history, ups and downs, highs and lows, loves won and lost … everything. Whether we can articulate our own story in words or have the capacity to listen to another’s story or not doesn’t change this idea that we each, individually, have a STORY.
edited: phildup55 ~ APR2022

Your comments
Because this is a learning community space, the task now is to critique the ideas &/or stories presented here.
- Use the comment space below to share your ideas, responses, questions, alternative points of view, or suggested improvements and reasoning.
- Share how you would use any of this appropriately in your context, with your skills, and in your style!
- Add below any of your own related experiences or similar examples of stories or ideas you have seen, heard, or tried.
An example of our story that we thought of were the 2020 & 2021 lockdowns.
Shared by most people on the planet, who were alive at the time
The way Story2 is written reminds me of a type of story telling called ‘greentext’ on 4chan. It’s a meme format and gives all the important parts of a story with out wasting words! ☺️
When I think about our story the overwhelming thoughts speak to inequality and it’s growth causing further division between classes. We see more families steered towards poverty while less families acquiring financial independence. While a few advocate for human rights. This tells us of the urgency for evangelist’s to share God’s story and pray their brothers and sisters connect with Jesus and form a friendship.