Story facts SB02

1 story … 3 versions SA05
Story deconstructed #01*
A story is like a taco meal!
• gathering all those food ingredients you need and then making a taco >>
• eating, munching, smiling and really sensing all the flavours and textures >
• ending up with that sensational plate of yummy mess >
• sitting back and appreciating the experience;
• considering seconds and wondering about desert, hmmm.
Disclaimer: Soz if you don’t like tacos, even if you leave off the cheese and substitute green lentils for the meat.
Story deconstructed SB01>>
Exploring ‘ a meal of tacos’ as a metaphor for ‘story’
In the ‘sharing a highlight of your week’ exercise above,
- as a Story listener: you heard someone share a highlight, or you read it in the comments, or remember it; and/or
- as a Storyteller: you shared a highlight, or typed it in the comments.
If you didn’t do this, please go to Share a highlight from your last week and complete the exercise you find there.
These were simple stories! Time to analyse these. You will be prompted to do so with the questions below.
There are five parts of a story to consider as a storyteller or to discern as a story listener.
edited: phildup55 ~ APR2022

Your comments
Because this is a learning community space, the task now is to critique the ideas &/or stories presented here.
- Use the comment space below to share your ideas, responses, questions, alternative points of view, or suggested improvements and reasoning.
- Share how you would use any of this appropriately in your context, with your skills, and in your style!
- Add below any of your own related experiences or similar examples of stories or ideas you have seen, heard, or tried.