Truth and grace SC02

Story What’s next? Your Choice! SB06
Story reconstructed
This is where the taco metaphor breaks down and will be discarded.
A taco meal cannot be cleared away and cleaned up before it is cooked and prepared. However, the story process outlined above can be changed. The elements of storytelling … story listening can be reordered.
Options, always options!
- Starting a story with the [feelings/ thoughts/ sensations] will help to engage listeners who may be puzzled and be intrigued enough to why.
- If the story’s outcomes are told first in some intriguing way, the listener will be wondering how things may have arrived at this point.
- The person you are with maybe telling lots of stories. It may be Holy Spirit wisdom for you to really listen to all these with grace. You may be earning the right to share your own story at the right time.
- Sometimes, the facts of the story may be enough. The emotion in your face and body language may provide the rest of the story.
- The pauses at the right times in your story may be longer allowing ore time for more processing and for responses to develop.
- Something tangible to engage the senses as a story is shared or listened to may help. As a strory teller, maybe provide pictures. To help others listen to your story, provide doodle pad and pens, tearing paper, or blocks to build with. These could help responses of [thought/ feelings/ sensations] to surface and be articulated in your story listeners.
- Responses to your stories may not result in words exactly but may be expressed in music, poetry, art or drama stories.
- Listen to a story and respond in music, poetry, art, or drama stories.
- The combinations and possibilities are numerous once the basics principles are practiced.
Check out these two scenarios as two small examples of this.
As you read each of these stories, check to see what story elements you can detect … [facts] [feelings/thoughts/senses] [meaning/consequences/so what] [your response/reaction] [what’s next? your choice!]
- If you are in discussion groups for this, try acting out these scenarios as impromptu mini-plays and add some feeling to your part.
- Reflect on the [pause] and [What next? your choice] of the story listening aspects in each scenario.
Add your reflections into the comments section below.
For further reflection
Story listening may also include clarifying questions to determine a deeper comprehension of any of these story aspects.
As a story listener hearing the child share news about the death of his goldfish, what would you do or say in these moments?
Indicators of thought processes include sentences starting with belief statements. “I reckon it’s not fair!” is an example. What are some others?
edited: phildup55 ~ APR2022

Your comments
Because this is a learning community space, the task now is to critique the ideas &/or stories presented here.
- Use the comment space below to share your ideas, responses, questions, alternative points of view, or suggested improvements and reasoning.
- Share how you would use any of this appropriately in your context, with your skills, and in your style!
- Add below any of your own related experiences or similar examples of stories or ideas you have seen, heard, or tried.