A variety of presentation, consultancy & training approaches are possible … one just right for your context!
Sometimes the best sort of help is a chat over coffee*
Breaking the ice with a chat is a good place to start. Whether this is over Zoom/Skype, via a phone call, or face to face, the exchange of ideas and questions will help us both to see if something extra will work.
Sometimes the help you are looking for is:
- a presentation for a particular context or program;
- a more thorough review of what is happening in your context … what’s working and what’s not;
- a deeper consultation or mentoring for you or a worker;
- training of a general or specific nature.
Please feel free to use the email contact form to assist in getting this started.
* or your beverage of choice, mine’s coffee 🙂
Explore further …

1. Presentations with a difference
Working together so the Truth, Love and Power of God shines through!
The emphasis in each presentation is to explore God’s message and the biblical theme together.
Where ever possible, this means we can work together to do this intergen-relationally … engaging in God’s Word WITH children, their households AND the faith community.
- Multi-age, visual sermons
- Presentation or leading a worship service segment
- Engaging, multi-age church services
- Challenging children’s talks
- Creative kid’s church/Sunday school presentations
- Special occasions presenter
- Artist in Residence’ activities
- A kid’s camp presenter
- A family camp presenter where the emphasis is on learning and celebrating worship together.
- Christmas carols in the park … visual artist/speaker
- Holiday program leader/presenter

2. Training & Consultancies
There are two approaches we can use to explore training & consultancies …
One just right for your personality, preference, context and need.
Choose from:
- A TOPICS based perspective

a. Topics
Sometimes those who would benefit from a consultancy or some training have a particular topic in mind.
It may be on the MIDST topic list. Training is possible along the lines of each topic, tailored to your needs and context.
[expand title=”Click here for some examples of topics:”]
- 5 Keys for ministry with children and families
- Toolkit for growing great kids
- Worship Matters … Celebrating worship with children … 24/7
- The first 20 minutes … Are children engaged in worship or just waiting to leave?
- Church in a box … Find ways to help children engage the worship celebration space
- WOW … Milestones & transition ministry
- Big Buds … Mentoring children
- Faith Journeys with children
- Three friends take a squiz at God’s big story
- Bible Engagement … climbing into God’s big story
- Gear Up for ministry with children and families
- Household faith happens in lots of ways and at lots of times
- Clown Ministry … Discover and use ‘clown within’ for ministry
- Puppetry … Objects and cloth come to life with character and drama!
- E Troupe … A drama troupe for all ages
- Table One … A pattern for faith community being Church
- Leadership basics … essential assets for developing leaders
- Mission & ministry ethos … getting the ‘flavour’ right in your context
- Training & consultancy … helping to get the direction right for you
- Artist in residence … supporting you as part of those special events

b. Faith Formation Questions
You may have a question and need some direction in finding an answer.
Perhaps there is something about your ministry or context that is not quite right? Maybe you are aware that you don’t know what you don’t know?
The following set of questions elude to the sorts of answers needed to help form faith in children and others. Grappling with these questions over time will result in a review of your approaches to your ministry or to your parenting. Your exploration will either affirm and sharpen what you are already doing well or it will lead to some adaptions, new strategies and change.